Looking to the Retail Show 2024

Due to popular demand from previous attendees, we are bringing a unique and dedicated show for pharmacy teams across Scotland on Tuesday 17th September 2024. Let’s not confuse this day with the established Trade show taking place on Wednesday 18th September as that is whole different show!

But why would you allow teams to take time out of what is an extremely busy industry just now to attend this one-day event. Let me take you through some reasons why –

🤔 A great chance to show your teams you are investing in their CPD and training time. The positive impact doesn’t just cover training but is also a huge morale boost for teams as they see their employer investing in them personally.

🤔 When do they get quality time to spend on what they are buying from reps so they can fully understand the product and be able to confidently sell this to customers

🤔 When did you last look at your margins on products to see if what you sell is making you more than a few pence? Many of the exhibitors are high margin lines that will bring income to your business

🤔 Dedicated time to consider NEW products for the pharmacy

🤔 Everyone loves a free lunch, don’t they? Yep, lunch is on us!

Whilst many community pharmacy owners have become disengaged in their retail space it is important to remember that a small amount of time and effort in this area can bring strong results for your business.

There is no question that 90-95% of your income comes from NHS prescriptions but just like private services there is certainly a place for retail products in a pharmacy if done correctly, and at a small cost too!

Why not invest in your teams, invest in your retail space and invest in your business by sending along one or more of your team to this first of its kind day for community pharmacy and see what a positive difference it could make for your business moving forward.