
With tightening healthcare budgets pharmacy teams need to work more smartly and make their workflow as efficient as possible. We at Clara have introduced a digital pharmacy platform which lends itself to making manual processes a thing of the past and in particular for managing pharmacy first with an intuitive services booking calendar. We are aware that a lot of pharmacies are still using pen and paper to organise their appointment bookings which is very time consuming and can lead to errors. 

Some benefits of using Clara appointments booking calendar:  

• Customer appointments can be paid for up front on our app via one of our recommended payment gateway providers eg Judo Pay at a competitive interest rate and any important triage questions needing answered can be set up on Clara by the pharmacy/ audiologist so saving time at the actual appointment. Upfront deposits reduce ‘ no shows’ meaning the likely hood of your time being wasted is significantly reduced 

• Take bookings in advance for seasonal services eg Flu vaccinations 

• We are in partnership with a few service providers and SEO companies eg Pharmacy Mentor and Vitajab who who are promoting our booking calendar and can also install a Clara calendar widget into the pharmacy websites they develop ( old and new ) with the customers branding meaning patients can book their ear wax appointment directly in. Infact this can be done with any website. 

• You can market the appointments calendar on search engines/ Social Media which helps increase bookings 

• There is an option of two-way communication for any questions customers who may want to ask about the service via the Clara app or dashboard 

 • With a simple pricing structure at £15 a month for as many diaries as you want per pharmacy Clara is real value for money to which our many testimonials can vouch for. 

• We are NPA’s official accredited appointments booking calendar partner for their members 

• We have integrations with the major pharmacy PMR’s: Positive Solutions, RXWeb, Titan 

• Other service providers eg Vitajab ( Vitamin B12 Injections ) are now offering the Clara Appointments calendar for their pharmacy partners   

As mentioned above there are big benefits to using a digital booking calendar made specifically for the world of pharmacy and we believe this is the time to do so with time constraint pressures being at a maximum.